We Can Help You Become A Federally Regulated Carrier.
FSI offers a variety of driver safety training for the trucking industry, and we’re proud that our courses are compliant with the Canadian federal government’s regulations to help commercial carriers achieve Federal Operating Status and meet the requirements of federal auditors. Plus, our Canadian Federal Hours of Service, North American Cargo Securement, Daily Pre-Trip Inspections, and Canadian Heavy Truck Weight & Dimensions courses are all conveniently available online.

Federal Hours Of Service Program
The Federal Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations set important limits for transport drivers within Canada in an effort to combat fatigue-related crashes. These regulations protect the public and all individuals involved in commercial transportation.
This online Hours of Service course cover the specifics of the regulations. After completing this course, an understanding should be gained of the regulations governing hours of service in Canada; documentation requirements; responsibilities of carriers, shippers, and drivers; mandatory off-duty times and on-duty time limits; and exemptions to the daily limits.
North American Cargo Securement
NSC Standard 10 – Cargo Securement
This online North American Cargo Securement Course is designed to explain the fundamentals and general requirements of cargo securement, based upon the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers (Standard 10). After completing the cargo securement course, an understanding should be gained of the cargo securement standard, requirements of carriers and drivers, and general cargo securement requirements including the securement system, minimum strength requirements, tie-downs and edge protectors, and cargo placement.

Daily Pre-Trip Inspections
Daily Pre-trip inspections are an integral part of every road trip for a trucker. Finding problems at the yard before you leave on a run will save a problem down the road, and more specifically a costly repair on the side of the road.
Pre-trips are mandatory under current regulations and drivers are accountable and responsible for defects found on their units. Understanding and effectively applying the vehicle inspection concepts explained in this 60-minute online course will help truck drivers and their fellow drivers around them road safe.

Canadian Heavy Truck Weight And Dimension Program
This 60-minute online weight and dimensions course will present essential, up-to-date information about Canada’s weights and dimension regulations set forth in NSC Standard 10 Cargo Securement, and will also cover the ways in which the regulations differ by province.

Professional Driver Improvement Course
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This Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC) is specifically designed for truck drivers in the transportation industry as both a refresher on safe driving attitudes and techniques, and an introduction to new safe driving concepts. The course is divided into 8 modules, which can be completed at the learners pace and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Each module utilizes a variety of interactive scenarios, videos, and knowledge checks to help provide an engaging and memorable learning experience.
This program is Alberta Government approved for 3 demerit reduction upon successful completion of this course with a minimum 80% passing grade.