We Wish You Safer Driving On The Highway This Summer!

defensive driving training

We Wish You Safer Driving On The Highway This Summer!

Summer is here, and safe driving is not necessarily at the top of everyone’s mind. We are most likely thinking much more about where we’re going and what we’ll do when we’re there. Well, whether we are camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, or exploring this weekend… we can’t accomplish much if we do not obey the rules of the road on our way. Generally, in order to get where we’re going, some high-speed driving is required on a highway.

Cruise Control: Pros

Cruise control can be an effective way to control your speed on the road, which is not only great for your safety but also can reduce the chances of getting demerits on your license. It’s especially useful in the summer when road conditions are less likely to be adverse. On a sunny, clear day it can be very easy to get going a little too fast, and setting your cruise control will prevent this. As an added bonus, cruise control can be great for a car’s fuel economy.

Cruise Control: Cons

However, cruise control is not a foolproof way to drive safely. Unfortunately, setting cruise control can diminish driver participation greatly. When we’re not actively participating in the driving process, we may be very easily distracted. A great way to keep this from happening is to be aware of the risk and to actively work on staying in the moment. At FSI, we call this state of mind “Mentally Active Driving”.

Promoting the loss of “big picture” driving is another risk associated with using cruise control. We may be more inclined to focus on little things as we go along, and lose sight of the bigger things happening around us. For example, we may not notice activity in our mirrors when we are focused on reading the bumper sticker on the car ahead.

Drive Safely

Of course, we should never use cruise control on congested roads or in adverse weather situations. Adverse weather can include heavy rain, snow, or ice. Any time that there is a possibility of poor traction, cruise control should be avoided.

No matter what exciting plans are in store for this weekend, it’s important to keep road safety in mind. Not only is this important for our safety, but also for the others on the road. Our team at Fleet Safety International is available to help you drive safer this summer, whether you are looking for a novice driving course or a corporate defensive driving course. Click here to contact us so you can schedule driver training today!