3 Reasons Why Commercial Drivers Should Consider Doing An Online Course

Commercial Driver

3 Reasons Why Commercial Drivers Should Consider Doing An Online Course

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White-collar industries aren’t the only ones that can enjoy the benefits of technological advances for the workplace. In fact, the utility of technology is far more evident in blue-collar jobs than you may think. For instance, in the commercial vehicle space, technology has greatly improved the safety of truck drivers but it has also created a learning curve in the industry. Commercial driving courses are encouraged to help drivers keep up with these constantly changing regulations.

While traditional driving courses have their place in the system, the online commercial driving course presents drivers with several advantages. The drivers can continue their learning without hampering their time on the road, which is essential for most.

So, if you’re a trucker, here’s why an online commercial driver course could be a great fit for you.

1) Sense of freedom that comes with flexibility:  Traditional face-to-face classes are time-bound with learning hours that are restricted and hence do not allow flexibility. It does not keep in mind the different schedules of its learners and can be unsuitable for those with a hectic schedule. In contrast, online commercial driving lessons allow for flexible learning, meaning that truck drivers with busy schedules can take it anytime that suits them. This sense of freedom plays a pivotal role in providing a stress-free learning environment coupled with a more positive learning outcome for the student.

2) Break your study sessions into shorter lessons: A truck driver’s schedule is not the same as a student going to university for higher education. They can’t dedicate 5 days a week to learning, and so the lessons must be adaptive. Online classes keep in mind the challenges drivers face when it comes to learning with their routine. For instance, a driver who is on the go might not be able to dedicate 4 hours continuously but can easily log on and continue learning when taking a short break from work. Research strongly supports better retention and performance when learning occurs in shorter bursts instead of prolonged sitting.

3) You save more time and money:  In many cases, online classes can save you more time and money. You save on commute time and the cost of commuting from one place to another. Think of traffic congestion, challenging weather conditions, car trouble etc. You don’t have to think about any of these with an online class. What’s more, online courses are competitive when it comes to cost. Not only do learners get a wide variety of courses to choose from, but they get affordable options that are not available in traditional courses.


While there will always be arguments presenting both the pros and cons of various classroom types, what’s important is you pick what’s best suited to your schedule, needs and budget. For many commercial vehicle drivers, online classes are an excellent choice that meets all three of those needs.

For more online commercial driving information, explore our driver training programs at Fleet Safety International. Our courses help new drivers, commuters, corporate and commercial drivers learn the SAFER™ System of defensive driving. To sign up for a defensive driving course or in-vehicle training at our driving school in Calgary, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!