Summer Road Dangers: Hail

summer road dangers

Summer Road Dangers: Hail

You’re driving through a rainstorm when the drops start sounding heavier and heavier. Suddenly, your car is being pelted by little chunks of ice! This can be a startling situation and you may be worried about damage to your vehicle. Hail can be dangerous to you in more ways than just a few chips or dents, however.

Hail Happens

First of all, if you are driving and it begins to hail – stay calm. The noisy hail can drown out the sound of honking horns, sirens, and people yelling, so it’s important to keep your attention on your surroundings to stay safe.

Look for nearby covered areas that you can safely pull into. You should not choose to stop in the roadway, even if it’s below a bridge! Hail can create very slippery conditions and can reduce visibility, which means you will be putting yourself and others in danger if you stop on the road. Always pull over or find a safe spot to park your vehicle. Be aware that there may be many others aiming to park in the same area, so be cautious and stay alert.

Try not to leave your vehicle, especially if the hail is large. It may be rather frightening if you are stuck in your car with no shelter, but leaving your vehicle puts your body at risk. Large hail can cause injury or even death. If you are stuck in your uncovered vehicle and your vehicle is stopped, turn your body so you are facing away from any windows or cover yourself to keep safe from shattered glass.

After The Fact

After the hail storm, take some deep breaths and call your insurance company right away so you can get your repairs scheduled.

If you are not a confident driver or if you feel you need more training, Fleet Safety International offers driver training for every level of the driver – from novice to professional – both in-vehicle and online. Contact us today or check out our full course list here.