Build Your Skills: When Is Driver Training Really Necessary?

Build Your Skills: When Is Driver Training Really Necessary?

Picture this: you’re driving to work and… Oh wait, you’re already there? Didn’t you just turn the radio on and hit the road a moment ago?

When you forget your commute

Look, it’s pretty normal to lose focus. We are all human and we all make mistakes. The real problem is when you’re forgetting entire chunks of your day. Can’t remember if you stopped at that last red light? That may just be the wake-up call you need to seek out driver training.

It may be your first inclination to ask how a driving instructor will help you pay attention to driving 100% of the time. After all, paying attention to everything you’re doing 100% of the time is impossible. However, certain Canadian driving schools like Fleet Safety International use methods of teaching that take that into account. Their motto is “Regardless of anyone’s knowledge, skill, experience or training, there are some days that we are better drivers than we are on other days.” Fleet Safety International’s goal is to train drivers to recognize when they’re not paying attention and bring them back into the moment. They are the same strategies used by some of the best drivers in the world!

When you are nervous to drive

There are a lot of reasons someone may be nervous about driving. A bad experience, a lack of experience, a new vehicle or a new environment may be to blame. However, being too nervous to drive simply isn’t sustainable for many people. Most of us choose to drive in order to maintain a higher quality of life, and some people need to drive to keep a roof over their heads. Being paralyzed by nerves every time they need to use a car can affect lives in a terribly negative way. Fortunately, most driver training programs are meant to help people get past their fears so they can feel safe on the road again. For those who are afraid to drive in the winter, there are even winter driving programs available.

When you are easily distracted or driving carelessly

This one ties in with “When you forget your commute” because often the reason you’ve forgotten your trip is that your mind is elsewhere. If you are having trouble focusing on your drive, a driving school can give you the tools to bring your mind back into the moment.

When you’ve heard a comment from a friend or family member

We’re all guilty of feeling a little insulted when we hear criticism about our driving. Realistically, however, not many of us have gone through our entire driving years without hearing some kind of criticism or advice from someone, and often it stems from good intentions. When we hear it, we need to ask ourselves, “Is this problem something that I can change now that I know about it, or is it indicative of a bigger problem?” If it’s a single issue that you feel comfortable working to improve on your own, you can try to recognize and improve the behaviour. If it’s a part of a larger problem, however, a driving school can help you identify and resolve the problem.

When you’re getting tickets

Does this one really need any explanation? Professional driving educators know the secrets to build safe driving habits, which are the key to making our roads safer and reducing the number of traffic violations. If you’re getting tickets, you’re doing something illegal. Things are usually illegal because they put others in harm’s way. Therefore, if you’re getting tickets, you need to change your behaviour.


It goes without saying that this is not an exhaustive list of reasons, but we hope it sticks with you and helps you to associate some of these events with seeking professional help in the form of driver education.

When you’re ready to bring your driving skill to the next level, check out our courses at