Winter Driving Rules

Winter Driving Rules

Winter Driving Rules

Winter can be a dangerous time to drive due to poor weather conditions. This usually includes rain, very low temperatures, blowing and drifting snow, high wind chill, blizzards and of course heavy snow falls.

Be sure to maintain your vehicle. Have it fully tuned up before winter arrives. It’s a good plan to ensure that your vehicles battery, tires, exhaust system, windshield wipers and heating system are all in good working order. This could save you money and time later on.

If you are stranded in winter, it is best to stay with your vehicle.

You should run the engine just enough to keep yourself warm. Keep the vehicle ventilated while running the engine. Open the window a small amount to help with air circulation to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Also be aware that when the temperature reaches the melting point, roads can become even more slippery. This is because a thin layer of water forms on the road surface. Then as the temperature rises, the frost begins to come out of the ground, causing a thin layer of water to form. Slow down when roads are slippery

It is against the law to drive when your vehicle’s windows or windshield is covered by, mud, frost, snow, steam or any thing else that might make the driving difficult, hazardous or dangerous.

And “DO NOT USE CRUISE CONTROL” when road conditions are poor.