Air Brake Refresher Program

Air Brake Refresher Program


Associated Courses

Air Brakes Study Guide & Refresher Program

Course Overview

This online Air Brakes course is designed as a refresher and study aid for individuals who will write an Alberta Air Brake knowledge test at a registry. This course is also ideal for individuals or corporations with employees who need air brake refresher training.

The program comes in 4 sections: Sections 1 & 2 represent the full Alberta Curriculum; Section 3 is a set of interactive activities to enhance the learner experience and Section 4 is practice tests. Students are allowed to move back and forth through all the material at will, allowing easy access for individual review topics. The user creates their own experience.

This program can be employed in a number of ways:
  • Understand the cost of driving drowsy
  • As preparation for your Alberta Air Brake test (Alberta Registries test after an actual air brake program)
  • As a preview before taking your Alberta Air Brake Program
  • As a great review for anyone or any company with employees who require or would like an air brake refresher.

This program was developed by Dr. Randy Flemmer who has over 30 years of driver education and fleet safety experience.


Approximately 90 minutes

You will be automatically un-enrolled from this course 365 days after purchase.

Air Brakes Online Course Topics

Section One: Air Brake Curriculum Part 1
  1. Introduction
    1. Program Outline
  2. Air Brake Pretrip
    1. Reservoirs Full
    2. Reservoirs Empty
  3. Airbrake System Overview
  4. Supply System
  5. Service System
  6. Park Brakes
  7. Tractor / Trailer
  8. System Failures
Section Two: Air Brake Curriculum Part 2
  1. Foundation Brakes and Adjustment
  2. Air Operated Disc Brakes
  3. Driving Tips
    1. Braking
    2. Retarders
    3. Icy Roads
    4. Downgrades
      1. On Highways
      2. Pre-hill Inspections
      3. In Town
      4. Runaway Lanes
  4. Anti-Lock Braking Systems
  5. Automatic Traction Control
Section Three: Activities
  1. General Introduction
  2. Pre-trip Activity
  3. Supply System Activity
  4. Service System Activity
  5. Park Brake Activity
  6. Tractor / Trailer Activity
  7. System Failure Activity
  8. Foundation Brake Activity

Course Assessment & Certificate Of Completion:

The FSI Online Air Brake Program is designed as a refresher and study aid for those individuals who are going to be writing their Alberta Air Brake Exam at a registry. The program has no final exam, but includes sample exams and activities to test your knowledge.

Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.