Online Courses FAQ
I lost my login or password for my online course, what do I do?
To recover your password, go to this link and click “Forgot password?” below the password field. Your password will be reset.
If you forgot your username, you can use the email you used to register instead of the username in that field.
If you are still unable to login, contact our Support team at [email protected]
Do I have to complete my online course in one sitting?
Absolutely not! Each of our online courses will save your progress if you have to log out and return later.
Does my course access expire after I've bought it?
All our online courses provide access for 365 days. After 365 days, you will be unenrolled automatically.
How does the 3 Demerit Reduction Program work?
Our Alberta 3 Demerit Reduction course is an online course that’s been approved by the Provincial Government. Upon successful completion of the course, a student may apply for the reduction of 3 demerit points from a valid Alberta driver’s license. To pass the course, you must obtain a minimum mark of 80% on the final exam.
When you complete the course, a Notice of Completion form will be mailed to you within 7 business days. Bring your Notice of Completion form together with your program certificate of completion to a local registry office in the province of Alberta. Alberta residents are eligible for a 3-demerit reduction once every 2 years.
Non-Alberta residents can take this program, but they will not qualify to receive the 3 demerit point reduction; they only receive an online course completion certificate.
In-Vehicle Training FAQ
What are the Covid-19 restrictions for in-vehicle training?
The safety of all our students and instructors is extremely important to us. We are constantly updating our policy to reflect the newest information about Covid-19 with the interest of protecting your health. The latest version of our Covid policy can be found here.
When do you run in-vehicle courses?
We offer our in-vehicle courses Monday to Friday. Our in-vehicle winter driving courses require winter conditions, so their availability is weather-dependent. Call us if you want to know what we’re running right now!
What are your “Custom Skid Vehicles”?
Fleet Safety International has 5 custom-designed skid vehicles that have the capability of teaching skid recovery techniques almost anywhere and at any time of year. Our latest skid vehicle also has front left and right tire blow-out simulators. These vehicles teach our students to control skids in a safe, controlled and positive environment that allows for maximum driver learning and retention.
Do you have a practice area or track to drive on?
Our students get to drive at Fleet Safety International’s 21-acre gravel training area. It’s a safe, controlled environment where they can familiarize themselves with driving in areas with reduced traction.